Trent and I just recently returned from Iowa and Illinois. Trent was interviewing for a job out in Iowa and the company flew us both out to interview and check it out and see if it was somewhere we would like to move to. We brought Owen along with us (since I am his food source right now) and we left the other two crazies at home with Trent's nice mom.

Owen enjoying some alone time with his parents at our hotel.

John Deere's headquarters are out there. This photo was taken at their museum.

Owen and Trent

On Sunday we went to a small ward building surrounded by beautiful corn fields. Then we took a drive out to Nauvoo to see the Temple. It was beautiful. I wish we had more time to see everything.

After the Temple we drove to Carthage to see Carthage Jail. I was so glad we were able to go there. It was really emotional and we had a really neat missionary couple take us on the tour. His great great grandparents had lived in Nauvoo and her great great great grandparents had. She was actually a convert to the church. He shared such a beautiful testimony in the room where Joseph Smith was killed. Then he let Trent and I stay in the room alone for a minute.

We had a good trip and enjoyed seeing a part of the country that we had never seen. But, we were happy to see our other two rug rats.