Sunday, August 30, 2009

Strawberry Pinnacles

A week ago we went to Trent's family reunion at Strawberry Pinnacles. It was our first time camping with Owen. We had a good time being together with family.

Trent with Connor and Leah

Connor with a home made boat he made for the boat races

Trent's mom with Owen (next to his Aunt and Grandma)

Connor swinging across the river

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My solution to a ton of laundry

Inspired by the Mother Goose Rhyme "There Was An Old Woman":

There was a young mother that lived in a shoe,
(or a house that feels like the size of a shoe sometimes)
She had so much laundry she didn't know what to do;
She loaded it all up in her car with her three kids as well;
And took it to the laundromat, and finished it all in two hours.

*(and it was awesome)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

9 Years

Nine years ago today Trent and I got married. Time flies. Trent and I met 11 years ago. We dated for a couple of years and then got married. Here we are nine years and three kids later. I loved Trent the day we got married, but the love I have for him has grown even more and more deeply. Happy Anniversary Trent!

The Wedding: Salt Lake Temple
Trent and Cally
Luncheon: Joseph Smith Memorial Building

Us with our parents and grandparents

With Elder Wickman (he married us)
Reception: My parent's backyard
The cake

The backyard

Me and the girls in my family

Trent's family