Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

A few weeks ago as a family we sat down and listed the things we are grateful for.
The kids had some funny ones, especially Leah. We noticed she was telling us things she saw around the room like "blinds" and "windows". We even asked Owen what he was grateful for and he said "woof woof woof" (doggies). I loved some of the things Connor told us like his "transformer backpack" :). It was fun to think about how many blessings we have.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Flag Football

This Fall instead of doing soccer we decided to try out flag football for Connor. It was a new league that just started and we thought it would be great for him to learn a new sport and it was half the cost of soccer :). We were happy he could learn the basics of football without the injuries tackling causes. The dad that started it did such a great job of having the parents get involved and help at the practices. Connor and Trent both enjoyed it.
Connor excited to be there.
Trent instructing the team.

Good game!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We love Halloween at our house. We love the decorations, the candy, the parties and most of all the costumes.
Our little Star Wars Nerds
Princess "Leah" :)

Chewbacca enjoying our ward Halloween carnival
At Mother Goose Time the kids all got to trick or treat to each other
Leah and her Mother Goose friends
Connor and his friend Nathan at his class' Halloween party
Trent and I as Thing 1 and Thing 2 at a Halloween party
It was a very fun Halloween (even though it rained really hard). The kids were so hyper on sugar. On the way home from seeing family that night in Salt Lake they were being so wild. I offered them 5 dollars to anyone that would fall asleep on the car ride home thinking I would never have to pay that out. Well, Leah fell asleep. Connor was so bugged he didn't earn 5 dollars. I told him if he cleaned the bathrooms he could earn money. He was thrilled and so am I that My 6 year old is going to learn to clean bathrooms :).