Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Very Blessed

1st Grade Winter Program
Last week Connor had his program at school. It was really cute and they sang lots of fun songs that he has been singing around the house.
Ogden Christmas Village
This year we went to the Ogden Christmas Village for the first time. It was so fun! We all loved it. There was so much to see and it was all free! What could be better? The village is a bunch of mini houses (sheds) decorated for Christmas. You walk around and look in each window. It is really cute, except for maybe the Hansel and Gretel one which had a little boy doll locked up in a cage. Creepy. There were a lot of people there, but it didn't feel too crowded. I think we will make it a yearly tradition.
Owen not too thrilled with sitting on Santa's lap
Temple Square
Every year we brave the crowds and go to Temple Square to see the lights. This year Trent's mom joined us. It was fun and beautiful and very COLD. I think one of my favorite parts of the evening was when we went in one of the visitor centers there. The kids were able to see a model of the Temple and how it looks inside. The funniest part of the evening was when Connor saw a statue of Brigham Young in the visitor center. He asked me if he was real but dead. He thought he was a taxidermed Brigham Young! His hands did look real :). I think he thought that because we took the kids to Cabela's a few weeks ago to see the animals there.
Connor the Elf
One of Connor's favorite things about Christmas is giving people things he makes. He loves to draw pictures and wrap them up and give them to his Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. I can't wrap a gift without him wanting to help do it. It makes him so happy!

"Jingle Bells, Batman Smells..."

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