Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pacifier Addiction

It's time for this little guy to be big and get off the pacifier. I don't think he is going to be too happy about it so I am gearing up for the worst. Wish me luck. :)


Julie said...

ohhh---he is so cute!! Good luck--been there, done that--it's Not pretty :)!! You will do great, though.

Melinda said...

The picture made me laugh. I love the look on his face.

William never went without his until I switched him from an infant to a toddler size. He HATED it. Every time he put it in his mouth he'd spit it back out and glare at it. After a few days he quit trying. I couldn't believe my luck :) I don't think bottles will be anywhere near as easy.

Maybe it will be easier than you think -- I hope.

Alyssa Quigley said...

oh man... that is a hilariously adorable picture! good luck!

The Molen's said...

HA HA! Mason used to suck on two at a time. He was an addict for sure! Little Owen is so cute!

ps. your word verification says
cozyho.....are you? :P