You see the crib in the background? That crib was bought by my parents when they were expecting their first baby. It was used by all six of their children. When I was expecting Connor they said I could use it. It was a little beat up from six kids. I painted it white, had all the hardware chromed and bought a new crib mattress. All three of my kids have used it. That little crib has been through 9 kids so far! It is a special crib.
Owen being the explorer that he is, figured out how to climb out of the crib. The problem with that was that he didn't know how to get back in it when he was ready to fall asleep. We would find him in some funny situations asleep. One night I found him asleep on the wood floor, using the rug as a blanket.
This picture is one of my favorite ways I found him when he was suppose to be taking a nap. He had put on Leah's flower rain boots and was alseep standing up with his head on Leah's bed.
So you can see it was time to pack up the crib and put this little guy in a big boy bed :).
*Both of these pictures make my house look so messy! I swear it is clean today! :)