Sunday, January 11, 2009

Embarrassing but true

My friend Melinda (I wish you could read her blog because it is funny) did a post where she put 5 embarrassing but true stories about herself. She tagged everyone that read it to put it on their blogs. I gave it some thought and I have come up with my 5. Some of these I really am not that excited to share, but who cares right?
*UPDATE: I just realized that she only did 3 on her blog. I thought it was 5. so- you can stop at three or go for five*

1- In Junior High (I think it was 8th grade) I had to go to the bathroom REALLY bad. When school was over I ran to the bathroom and found a long line of girls waiting for a stall. I tried everything to contain it, but I had no control I swear! I peed my pants right there in front of the girl's bathroom. I carpooled with some boys, so I sat on my binder in the back of the van hoping no one would notice. I have no idea if they did or not, but they didn't say anything if they did know.

2- My Aunt drove an Isuzu Rodeo. It was stick shift. I had never learned stick. We were out on my Grandpa's farm and my brothers were in the car with us when she decided to teach me how to drive stick. Let's just say it didn't go too well. She started me out in reverse and I got the gas and brake mixed up. I crossed a highway and crashed into a fence. Good times. Not really. My brothers of course thought it was hysterical. We got back to my Grandpa's and I went downstairs in his dark basement and put a blanket over my head in shame :). I do not drive stick to this day.

3- Growing up we had people come to our house to clean and do the laundry. When I was about 14 I woke up and got in the shower to get ready for school. I was feeling really sick, like I was going to faint, so I got out and just put my robe on and went back to bed. I awoke the next morning and Fernando had come into my room and had gotten my dirty clothes for his mom. Problem was my robe had come undone and it was wide open for anyone to see. I was mortified. I told my mom (she can be really understanding :). Yes that was meant to be sarcastic). Her response was "Poor Fernando. He is such a good boy. You probably traumatized him" Fernando was probably about 18 or so at the time. Well a few months later my mom asked Fernando to tutor me in Spanish. I had to sit down and talk to him after he had seen me naked. I still consider it child abuse.

Let me just say before I go on to the last two that writing all of these are actually pretty hard to write and admit to people. Ok. Ok. On to my last two...

4- I was at work late one night and I needed to make some copies. I was in the copy room all alone thinking no one was really around. I needed to let out some gas if you know what I mean and right after I did the CEO walked in. Just in time to know what I had just done. She didn't say anything, but I wanted to die.

5- When I was in labor with Connor at the hospital the nurse that was assigned to me was someone I went to high school with. Some of you may think, "How is that an embarrassing moment?" Maybe I will need to get a little graphic with you then. When you are in labor the nurse has to "check" you. This involves feeling inside of you to see how far you are progressing. I would say it was a little awkward. I actually saw her at Albertson's the other day and totally pretended like I had no idea who she was.

There you have it. More information about me then you ever cared to know. Now it is your turn. I tag anyone who is reading this to do it on their blog. If you don't have a blog you can leave one of your embarrassing moments in the comments section :). Good Luck!


Becca B said...

I think I'm too chicken to take you up on that tag. But I appreciate YOU being brave! :)
I think you're cool.


Kristina P. said...

These are so funny! And they sort of make me feel better about my life.

Melinda said...

Why are fart stories so dang funny?! Everyone does it, but it is just so mortifying. Thanks for the funny stories Cally :)

Melinda said...

Also, if you were in a car with a bunch of Jr. High boys and no one said anything, you can be sure they didn't know :)

The Molen's said...

I remember Fernando, but who was the nurse in High School? How mortifying. You've got a million other embarrassing stories you are keeping from us!

The Taylors said...

I love Fernando. I talk to him everyday. I think he loves you still. HeHeHe

LivingstonClan said...

These were AWESOME! Thanx for the laugh--now I can face my day. I have a story that might top your friend from H.S. Checking you! We need to get together sometime--it's been far too long.

chrissy said...

I just popped over to your blog for the first time from my SIL Leslie's blog. Hope that doesn't freak you out, but don't worry I'm not a weirdo or anything. Well, I kind of am a weirdo but not like a scary weirdo, ha ha. Anyways, these were so funny! I laughed out loud pretty hard.

Brian and Lindsey said...

I didn't know the nurses "check" you. I'm so glad I didn't go into labor and delivery! Those embarrassing moments are hard to top. Brian and I are coming up with ours now. . .