Friday, May 22, 2009

Square Foot Gardening

For a few years I have thought that we should make a garden. This year we finally did it. I don't really expect anything to grow to be quite honest, since we have NO clue what we are doing. But, we are giving it a try. Here is how we did it:

We had some trex decking material from a deck that was ripped out (Thanks Scott and Kami!). We took 6 foot pieces and built the garden to be 6 feet by 6 feet. We did two pieces high and then pounded in some wooden stakes in the corners and the middle of the garden. When I say "WE" I mean I designed it and Trent built the whole thing. After it was built we bought some square foot gardening mix and dumped it in our garden. Then I took some twine and push pins to make a grid over the garden. This way it will be nice and organized and I mapped up what will be in each square. After that we spent an evening planting.

We planted:
-roma tomatoes
-cherry tomatoes
-green peppers
-white onions
-red onions
-marigolds (I guess that helps with the bugs?)

Wish us luck, I hope we will at least grow something. (I took these photos before putting in trellis' for the tomatoes and before any of the seeds sprouted up.)


Kristina P. said...

It looks great! I have no green thumb, whatsoever!

Sislers said...

I got so burned out from gardening from when I was a kid that now I just let our neighbors bring over their fresh veggies from their garden :D

Becca B said...

Cally, is there a wood bottom to the garden, or just sides?

andersons said...

There are just sides and then we put some weed barrier in the bottom.

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous. I want a garden. Let me know how that turns out. You should make salsa. mmmm

Melinda said...

That's a nice looking garden, good work. I'm sure you'll get tons of food out of it. I have no clue what I'm doing either but the seeds manage to do just fine.