Friday, June 19, 2009

The Baby Has Arrived!

But it isn't mine :) !!! My brother and his wife had their first baby yesterday. They named the little cutie Matix. His mom endured an impressive unmedicated labor. Something I am too wimpy to ever try. We are very excited for them!


The Taylors said...

So dang cute, little man!

Becca B said...

Thank you so much for the photo! So happy to see him!!

Christa said...

Awww!! Doesn't that make you so anxious for yours to be here! He's adorable! The whole unmedicated delivery thing is WAY beyond me!!! There's NO WAY!! Congrats to the new parents, and the new Aunt :) good luck with yours Cally!!

Melinda said...

You should have seen my mouth drop open when I saw this and hadn't gotten to the part where you say it isn't your baby. I couldn't believe you were leaving comments on my blog when you had just had a baby. Now that would be some major stalker behavior!

He is so cute. That is going to be fun to have a little cousin the same age as your little guy.