Sunday, October 24, 2010

Good News!

This past week Trent and I celebrated two months of unemployment :)! But that isn't the happy news.

Connor learned to ride a bike!

He has always been a little nervous to ride his bike. Then for a couple of weeks he wanted to ride it everyday after school. One day he said, "Tomorrow can you take my training wheels off?". When he got home that is the first thing he wanted to do. We headed over to the nearby school and Trent helped teach him to ride his bike. It was so fun to watch and I am so proud of him!


Julie said...

YAY Conner!! He looked so handsome yesterday. :)

Donna said...

Way to go, Connor!!

I hope something comes up soon!

I heard American Express is hiring again! You can apply online. I heard they have fantastic benefits.

Bre Linds said...

ahhh That makes me a little sad inside. Tell your freakin' kids to stop growing up.

Melinda said...

That is so cute :)