Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I love my little kiddos
In about 2 months we will be adding a third child to our family. We are excited and grateful, but we are also a little nervous about adjusting to three kids. I find it amazing at how much I love my kids and that I will be able to love another one just as much.
Here is Connor working on his baseball skills. He is having a fun time playing T-Ball this year. One of my favorite things Connor has been saying lately is that he calls his pinkie or his pinkie toe a "twinkie" or a twinkie toe".
Here is Leah pushing her stroller pretending to be a mommy. She thinks in order to be a mommy she has to have a purse and have high heels on (she is wearing zebra print ones in this photo). I get a kick out of the heels thing because I hate wearing heels, I would rather just wear flip flops- much more comfortable. Leah has been telling us that she has a baby in her tummy like me. She'll laugh and say "It kicked me" or some days she'll tell us her baby came out. It is kind of weird and funny at the same time.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Trent and I have talked some about baby names. We have a few we like, but we just haven't decided on anything. It can be hard to pick names and I don't like telling too many people what names we are thinking about because for some reason people love to say if they don't like it. I kind of want to just not tell anyone until the baby is born and say "this is the name" so then they won't say they don't like it. It will be too late :).
This is the part where I need your help though. I would love any name suggestions. We are thinking of Trent as the middle name, but we need the first name.
If you have any suggestions- please leave a comment!
This is the part where I need your help though. I would love any name suggestions. We are thinking of Trent as the middle name, but we need the first name.
If you have any suggestions- please leave a comment!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Easter Weekend
This post is a little late. On the Saturday of Easter weekend we went out to Vernal and Roosevelt. Trent's Grandma, Aunt and cousins live out there. It has been a tradition to go out there for Easter weekend and have an egg hunt and picnic. We also decided to go to a Dinosaur Museum in Vernal since Connor had just learned about dinosaurs in preschool.
What We Have Been Up To
Leah is pretty naughty when it comes to coloring on things. This is just one example of her many creations. Good thing it was washable markers.
Connor throwing the ball. This picture was taken at his first T-Ball practice. He loved it. He keeps hoping for good weather because all of his practices since then have been canceled. We are surprised he loves it so much because he kept getting pelted by the ball at his practice. Partly his fault for not paying attention and partly kids who can't quite aim yet. He got hit so many times (one time right smack in the face- he was OK though. Never cried) that we heard a kid on his team say, "Why does that kid keep getting hit by the ball?" We have been practicing with him in the backyard and he is picking up on the game quickly.
This photo was taken at the castle park in Kaysville. It is a really neat park, but the day we went was during Spring Break and it was the most crowded I had ever seen it.
Connor, Trent and Leah have all gotten sick over the last few weeks. This photo was taken of Leah when she was sick. She wouldn't eat anything and I was getting pretty worried about her. Finally we got her to eat some ice cream for dinner (she got spoiled during her illness). She said her hands were cold and wanted to wear gloves so she could eat it. Can you see Connor's plate in the background? Poor kid had to eat regular food while Leah got to slam down an ice cream for dinner.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I should really try and look at the bright side of Wal-Mart not having any ice cream. I really don't need any more weight gain. Gotta love being preggers. Yesterday we were at church and I was getting a drink from the drinking fountain. I turn around and there was a little girl Connor's age. She looked at me shocked and said, "Why is your tummy fat?!" At first I thought "You are just now noticing that?!" Instead I answered, "Because I have a baby in there." She was like, "You do?!!" Then she ran to her family and announced to them all (and when I mean all I mean a mom, dad and eleven kids) that I was going to have a baby. She was so excited. It was pretty funny. But, it is ONLY cute when a 4 year old tells you you have a fat tummy when you are pregnant. I can't believe some of the stuff people will say to pregnant ladies. Or the strange people that think just because you are pregnant that they can touch your stomach without warning. With this pregnancy I have heard, "You look so tired" a million times. Which I really do get pretty tired, but I don't really like to know that I "look" that way. I have about 2 1/2 months left. Yippeee! We are nearing the end. But I know the real hard parts are to come.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wal-Mart is Dead to Me

After spending the hottest day of the year chasing my kids around an insanely crowded park, we headed to Wal-Mart. The idea was to go there and buy some easter eggs and candy for a family get-together on Saturday. While there I decided I was really craving some ice cream. I found the long ice cream aisle in the freezer section. What I found was straight out of a pregnant lady's nightmares. Completly empty. Yes, you read that correctly. The. Entire. Section. Was. Empty. I have no idea why, but there was not one morsel of ice cream in the entire Super Wal-Mart. Maybe Wal-Mart did me a favor when I get "weighed in" at my next OB appointment. I had to settle for Sugar Free Jello Pudding Cups.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Photography Post #2
In my last post I told you about my friend Melinda and her photography. She now has a blog. Go check out some of her work! You can call her or e-mail her if you are interested in having some pictures taken. She does such a great job and for a fabulous price!
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