Monday, April 13, 2009


I should really try and look at the bright side of Wal-Mart not having any ice cream. I really don't need any more weight gain. Gotta love being preggers. Yesterday we were at church and I was getting a drink from the drinking fountain. I turn around and there was a little girl Connor's age. She looked at me shocked and said, "Why is your tummy fat?!" At first I thought "You are just now noticing that?!" Instead I answered, "Because I have a baby in there." She was like, "You do?!!" Then she ran to her family and announced to them all (and when I mean all I mean a mom, dad and eleven kids) that I was going to have a baby. She was so excited. It was pretty funny. But, it is ONLY cute when a 4 year old tells you you have a fat tummy when you are pregnant. I can't believe some of the stuff people will say to pregnant ladies. Or the strange people that think just because you are pregnant that they can touch your stomach without warning. With this pregnancy I have heard, "You look so tired" a million times. Which I really do get pretty tired, but I don't really like to know that I "look" that way. I have about 2 1/2 months left. Yippeee! We are nearing the end. But I know the real hard parts are to come.


Kristina P. said...

Gotta love how people think that you being pregnant gives them a right to verbal diahrrea.

Melinda said...

I think you look great :) And while it's true that some people can be completely insensitive and dense (like the woman who kept insisting that I MUST be having twins) you've got to love the special treatment pregnant ladies get. I relish my sense of entitlement for all of those perks :)

The Taylors said...

We should write a book on how to treat pregnant people.

LivingstonClan said...

I love the places where the actually recognize how hard it is for us pregnant ladies to waddle across the parking lot, and have assigned "Stork Parking!" Why do people ever feel it's appropraite to say "you look really tired?" It's never a nice thing! And only 2 1/2 more months, that has FLOWN by, at least for me!

Sally said...

I bet you look as cute as ever with your baby bump! Work it girl! :)
I know it get's annoying to hear everyone's opinion about you. like all the sudden because your pregnant the have an invitation to give it to you!
You are getting close!!! Good luck!

Sislers said...

While I'm so NOT ready for another baby, I totally soak every "pregnancy perk" I can possibly get. :)
We still need to get together...give me a call