Monday, September 8, 2008

Cookie Cutters

You know it is time to get your kids' haircut when your little sister tells you your daughter's hair looks like a mullet. Thanks Breanne. So, I took the kids to a cute little place called Cookie Cutters (I should get paid for this endorsement. Hmmm...). It is a really cute place. They have a slide for the kids to play on and computer games, too. The kids got to pick which car to sit in (they sit in a car while getting their hair cut). They also got to pick which movie to watch during their haircut. Connor chose Scooby Doo and Leah chose Care Bears. They did a really good job (my kids I mean. The ladies cutting their hair did good, too). They each got a balloon and a sucker when they were done. It was a fun place. I only wish I had thought of the idea.


Stephanie said...

Gosh do they do adults as well? I think I wouldn't mind going down that fun slide and playing computer games while I get my hair cut!

Melinda said...

We love Cookie Cutters. Hayden tells me at least once a week that he needs a haircut -- because he wants a balloon and a sucker.