Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pay It Forward

The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me!Please keep in mind the following information which applies to this offer:

1-It will be a surprise and I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2- It will be homemade.
3-You will receive your gift sometime this year (as in - sometime in the next 9 months!)

HERE'S THE CATCH: You must post this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who follow the directions. (If you don't have a blog, you can just pick 5 people to make something for.)

*Are there even 5 people that read our blog? I guess we'll find out...


The Taylors said...

Yes! pay me something forward

Why Not said...

I read...and I'm in.

Can't wait for my homemade goodness.

christa said...

I would love to be entered, but does it count that I already put it on my blog a couple of months ago?? You tell me the rules....

Anonymous said...

It better be food. That's all I have to say. And it better be in the next 6 weeks, or else I'm gonna have to wait for a really long time. :(

The Molen's said...

Ok, so I will pay it forward. But are you really going to make me wait an entire year? you wouldn't do that now, would you. or I could see you waiting til I visit, just to save you the postage!!! he he!

The Molen's said...

and look at that, 5 people do read your blog!!!

Sally said...

Man! Am I really too late? How about I post this on my blog and send you something if you post comment... and then you'll love the gift I sent you so much that you'll just want to make me something home made and send it to me! Right? How fun!!