Friday, March 20, 2009

There's a Nightmare in My Closet

One of Leah's favorite books is called "There's a Nightmare in My Closet". The first time I read it to her was at a store. She didn't stop talking about it for at least a half an hour straight after that. Her Grandma Black went and bought it for her. Everytime she goes to Grandma and Grandpa's house she has them read it about 7 times! My mom decided that Leah needed a little nightmare toy of her own. I searched the internet and couldn't find anything. Being the crafty lady that she is, my mom decided to make her one. Here are a couple of pictures of her nightmare. Leah loves it and sleeps with it at bedtime and naps. We love Grandma's sewing abilities!

The book and the nightmare
The nightmare


Anonymous said...

I hate Mom for her many talents.

That nightmare is pretty sweet. I think she should make me one.

christa said...

That is so adorable!! I love that!

Becca B said...

So cool!

The Molen's said...

She is so creative! I love her for her many talents.....will she adopt me, I know I've asked before, but I have to be persistent on this one.

The Taylors said...

Martha Stewart of Davis county. We should get her her own show! She is awesome!!!!!

Melinda said...

That is so cute. I want my kids to have nightmares too! Does that sound right to you? Tell you mom she's got a customer if she's interested :)