Monday, October 13, 2008

"Lemelda Marcos"

Leah loves shoes. She loves them so much that her Grandpa has compared her to Imelda Marcos. He likes to call her "Lemelda". Imelda was the first lady to a President of the Philippines. When they were thrown out of power people were outraged at how many shoes she had. She was quoted as saying, "I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty".
Leah is on her way to that number. She now has 37 pairs of shoes (not counting her dress up shoes). I will say I did not buy all of those. Many were gifts or just a really good deal on clearance. Like Imelda, Leah is proud of her collection.


Kristina P. said...

OH my goodness! I have about 80, so she's well on her way.

She should marry one of my wealthy nephews, so they can continue her shoe ways.

Me said...

It's funny I have been trying to track down as many people as I could from "the hood". I think it is great that we are all finding one another through our blogs. We should plan a big get together.
It looks as thought things are going well. Your children are beautiful. Take care, The Holts

Why Not said...

Oh my goodness, where do you keep all of those. :)

Breanne B said...

and i'm spoiled?? yeah that's right.

LivingstonClan said...

This is funny on soo many levels. A) You took the time to put them all on the couch so nicely--acknowledging there's a problem is the first step to recovery. & B) You defend your buying like I do--it was on CLEARANCE!! Isn't it so fun to have girls? And I want that washer & dryer too--maybe we can start selling our plasma or something! Also, I'm with Farrah--let's book the Miller ward chapel & get together!!;P