Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sneaky Kid

If the bathroom door is left open and you aren't watching Leah close enough- expect a disaster. She loves to play in the water in the sink. She says she is washing her hands. The problem is if she is in there long enough unsupervised I will be cleaning up a flood. This is a picture from yesterday. I caught her in time for the water to start flowing out into the hall onto the wood floor.


Kristina P. said...

As long as you can watch her long enough to take a picture. :)

The Molen's said...

Oh Man! Alyssa did that all the time. That's funny!

Brian and Lindsey said...

Wow, that's a lot of water. . .

Sally said...

We have one of those little girls in our house too! I yell to Emily... "come out of the bathroom" and she says: "One Minute!" this goes on for a few rounds until I finally stop blogging and clean up her flood too!
So fun!