Thursday, October 23, 2008

Something to do on a Wednesday

Connor and his buddy Tyson

I had some dishes in the sink, my kitchen floor needed to be mopped, and I had a ton of laundry to do. Guess what I decided to do? That's right take the kids to the zoo with my friend Kristal. My house is nasty, but we had a good time!

Leah with her little pal LilyChecking out the funny little monkeys

Connor hanging out with a Gorilla


Kristina P. said...

Wow, that gorilla has some large, uh, hands. Yeah, hands.

The Molen's said...

I would've done the same thing! I stay home all the time and my house is still wrecked. So I might as well leave.

Sally said...

Fun! I wanted to do Boo at the Zoo but the last time I took my kids - I think it was in August - I told them it was the last time until the baby was born! There are way too many steep hills at our Zoo!!!

Brian and Lindsey said...

Conner and Leah will remember the zoo much more than they'll remember a messy house! I'm so using that one in Brian when we have kids;) I'm so excited for you. I think I txted Trent that- Brian wasn't to specific when he gave me the family phone #'s.