Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What Would You Do?

A couple of weeks ago we were hanging around our house and Connor dressed up in a cowboy costume. For those of you that know Connor pretty well you know that he LOVES costumes. He had barely put this costume on and I needed to run to Target. He begged to wear it there. After consulating with my friend Kristal I decided to let him (no one at Target said anything about his cowboy get-up. I guess they thought we were hicks).

Our question to you is if you could wear any costume to Target (or any store out in public) what would you wear?

(Trent says he would wear rearless chaps :). I would probably have to go with something scary so people would run away and then I wouldn't have to wait in line).


Kristina P. said...

Aren't all chaps rearless? Hmmmm, this is a toughie. Maybe a walking bullseye?

andersons said...

I guess all chaps are rearless...I guess he really wants people to notice that part :)

Sally said...

Teletubbies! That's both funny and scary!

Sally said...

By the way - what was the answer to the Movie Trivia? Was it Juno? If we were right. what is our prize?

andersons said...

Yes it was juno. Your prize is I think we can come to your Halloween party :). Let us know if you want us to bring something.

Melinda said...

When I went to Walmart at midnight to buy Breaking Dawn with all of the other crazy women, I saw a girl wearing a wedding dress. I was so jealous. I thought, "I wish I had thought to wear MY wedding dress to Walmart in the middle of the night." So that is what I would wear. But maybe not my veil because that would be weird.